
It is fantastic that you are already thinking about how to engage schools with Dementia Friends in the new school year. 

Nearly one in three young people know someone living with dementia, often a grandparent but increasingly a parent. This is why it is so important that we raise young people’s understanding of dementia and how it may affect a person.

Supporting you to make the approach

We have a range of different resources to support you to deliver Sessions to children aged six and up. You can find these resources on your Ambassador dashboard in the ‘Children & Young People’ section.

The first thing that you will want to consider is how to make your approach. It may be that your children attend the school or you know members of the teaching staff.

If you don’t already have contact with a school, there is an introductory letter that you can find on your Ambassador dashboard. Other volunteers have fed back that it can be beneficial to follow up on the letter with a phone call.

You may want to start by offering a Dementia Friends Session to teaching staff and parents/guardians so that they can gain a good understanding of what Dementia Friends is all about.

Things to note

As an Ambassador, you are not criminal records checked so when arranging the Session, please ensure that there is a member of staff in the room with you at all times. If the school would like to verify your identity as a volunteer for Alzheimer’s Society, please ask them to email [email protected]

After you’ve had a chance to look over the resources on your dashboard, do let your role manager know if you have any questions. 

Further opportunities

Have a think beforehand if there are additional activities for the school to get involved with beyond Dementia Friends.

There may be a local dementia friendly steering group in the area that they can link in with, or the school may want to take part in a fundraising activity for Alzheimer’s Society such as Denim for Dementia or Elf Day. There are plenty of fun and engaging ways to help youth groups and schools explore the world of fundraising!

Thank you again for wanting to help create a dementia-friendly generation.