Thank you to Barry White, who recently attended a Dementia Friends session run by Dementia Friends Ambassador Charlotte. Barry shared this poem with Charlotte after the session and has kindly allowed us to share his beautiful words.
What is a reflection, or what are reflections?
Is it something in one’s mind or something of a tangible kind?
I know not the answer but I have an idea. Sometimes I can think of something
And it all becomes quite clear.
A particular friend long past?
A love that didn’t last?
A memory that flits in and out, not really remembering what it’s about?
Is it important? There’s an element of doubt.
Dead still water, not a ripple to be seen.
My face looking back at me, younger and serene.
A reflection of how I had once been.
I have old friends now with no recollection and no reflection of any kind.
Dementia has just cruelly destroyed their mind.
If you would like to share your poem or short story, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch at [email protected]